Ivilly Pevilly


Book Details

ISBN : 978-955-0028-26-9
Author : Asiff Hussein
Translator :
Publisher : Neptune Publications
Printed by : Printel
Language : English
Pages :  195 Size : 210 x 297 mm      Weight (kg) : 0.795
E_Book : Available
Web :

Description :

Ivilli Pevily

In the history of civilization, food has played the role of social fusion. This book is a guide to the history and heritage of Sri Lankan food. Sri Lanka , as shown in this book has one of the greatest varieties of food in any part of the world of it’s size. Various ethnic traditions have contributed to the evolution the rich Sri Lankan food tradition. An important contribution to the evolution of ethnic diversity of the island. An indispensable guide to the modern Sri Lanka.


Ivily Pevilly cover


The system of transliteration employed in the text save for citations, is the standard method. Thus dots below letters represent retroflex sounds so common in South Asian languages including Sinhala and Tamil.

Among the other sounds transliterated here c represent the voiceless palate-alveolar affricate (as sounded in English church) and s the palatal sibilant (as sounded in English show). The lingual s which will be found occurring in Sanskrit word is similar in pronunciation to the palatal s. The anusvara is represented by m, the velar nasal by n and the palatal nasal by n as per the accepted method. Macrons placed over vowels represent long vowels. It is however thought unnecessary to so denote the long values of e and o of Sanskrit. Pali, Prakrit and the Modern Indo-Aryan Vernaculars of India in keeping with established practice. The short e and o does not seem to have existed in Sanskrit and does not, strictly speaking, exist in the Indian MIAVs. The e and o of Pali is of variable length-long before single consonants or at the end of a word and short before double consonants or consonant clusters. The vowel a represents the low front vowel (pronounced as in English can)

The origins of some vernacular Sinhala terms it will be found are traced to Middle-Indo-Aryan (MIA) and Old-Indo-Aryan (OLA) and these we have represented by Pali and Sanskrit respectively. Geographical references to India refer to the historical India including those parts of the subcontinent today known as Pakistan and Bangladesh and may not necessarily be restricted to the region encompassed by the modern-day the Indian Republic.

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Weight 0.795 kg


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