Neptune Publications
Digital Publications & Online Publications
Due to changing customer expectations, rising labor and material costs, increasing inventory cost, difficulties in meeting production schedules and new channels such as email and Web, printers are required to rethink the way they do business. This results in embracing digital technology to offer customers a broader portfolio of services.
Utilizing the Print on Demand solution a printer will print as few as one or two copies of a book at a time. This is always achieved using a digital printing press because it does not require the intensive set up that an offset printing does. Digital book printing (also known as short run book printing) allows the author or publisher to print a smaller volume of books than would be normally allowed on an offset print run. Advances in digital printing technology have greatly narrowed the gap in quality as compared to offset printing. Moreover improvements in technology have enabled the price per book for a short run to decrease. The savings in labour and the ever increasing capability of digital presses means that digital printing is reaching the point where it can match or supersede offset printing technology’s ability to produce larger print runs of several thousand sheets at a low price.
Print on Demand technology allows prints to be made as needed and when they are needed. In this method book are not printed until an order has been received allowing the books to be printed singly or in small quantities. In the traditional book publishing model, publishers essentially guess how many copies of a title will sell and order that quantity from book printers. Hence there will be longer runs to keep the costs down which results in overstocked warehouses and returns, etc.
In a global perspective POD transition sugest “Over the last couple of years the traditional distribution model where the publisher sells to a distributor who is supplied by a printer has taken a beating. Major Companies are shipping out of zero inventories in most cases. Except for the most popular titles, many books are coming out of an on-demand-model.
The revolution has begun; it’s time that publishers revisit their existing business model. Customer demand keep changing which invites publishers to be ready to take on fresh challenger like “Just-in-time” delivery, Personalized Printing, Variable Data that are becoming popular amongst the publishing fraternity.
Many out – of – print titles are inaccessible to customers since publishers struggle to access them cost effectively to meet minimum print run requirements. This will not be practical for low demand books hence they remain out of print. Digital printing gives publishers new access to their backlists and associated revenue streams thus books never go out of print and readers have access to rare books. Consequently a minimum print run makes it harder for new writers to emerge resulting in many worthy books going unpublished. Digital printing allows these writers to see the light of the day.
In essence digital printing makes it possible to keep the books in prints forever. In the long run, digital technology makes it possible to ‘stay in print.’
Environmental sustainability begins with the notion that we have a responsibility to future generations to reduce our carbon footprint today. The book industry consumes an immense amount of paper and generates a carbon footprint. Therefore the need to create books by renewable and recycled materials arises. Of all the material used to publish books, no component exacts as large an energy signature as paper which is infinitely a renewable resource. The use of recycled paper reduces the pressure on endangered forests and creates markets for paper that otherwise would be land- filled.
There green advantages to digital productions can be considered as less spoilage, less waste, less need to inventory. And the ability to print only what is required. Digital publishing also reduces the technology footprint, consumes less energy, is more adoptable to using recycled paper and creates less waste than traditional publishing. Moreover, the required printing equipment is smaller and more energy – efficient. Additionally, digital printing enables book publishers to transmit digital book files for printing closer to the point of consumption eliminating the transportation costs and the ecological impact there in.
A Digital Library is a collection of information stored in electronic media such as text, visual or audio material. The POD solution mentioned above enables online material to be chosen and forwarded to the print centre automatically which is then transferred in to the production work flow. The digital library along with POD solution enables printing to be done only when required saving the waiting time on printing a many on storage and wastage. This also allows the publisher to host as many titles in a digital library before it is actually printed. Say yes to any title in any quantity whilst entertain new creativity of emerging authors.